With all the exciting building and remodeling projects commencing this Spring, Mike Humes will be spending a part of each week up at camp. Cris Gilliland will be “holding down the fort” at the White Plains office, visiting families to fill those last few spots in for the second half and the full season campers. Everyone – Mike, Pauline, and Cris – will be heading up to camp for good over Memorial Day Weekend (with occasional visits from George Bredig, Applejack Head Counselor, and Bobbie Joffe, Program Director).
After his first trip to camp, Mike reports that the building and remodeling is progressing rapidly. Winter has finally released it’s icy grip, snow has melted around camp, and the ice is gone from the lake. Spring has been kind to our builders, with not as much rain so everything can keep going. The extension on Mr. Frank’s kitchen is rapidly coming together; the raised stage, paneling, and lighting in the theatre is just about completed; the extension to the Champlain Lodge is just about finished; and work on the new Camper cabin and Apprentice Counselor cabin is progressing quickly. An expansion to the living room of Colden Lodge (former AJ II boys cabin) was begun and will double the size of this common room for the cabin. All should be ready for our eager campers and staff when they arrive in June. A hearty “thank you” and “job well done” goes out to all the building crews, Warren, and, of course, Mike who has to oversee all the projects.
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