By Connor, Ted, Chad, Glenn; Cardinal II Boys
One foggy morning, a motorboat went out to sea. There were four passengers and they were going to go fishing. One of the boys carted the fishing pole, and right when it hit the water, he felt a hard tug; and with that, the boat tipped. All the passengers went under, grabbed by blue hands. The blue hands pulled them deeper and deeper under the sea. When they were half way to the bottom of the sea, two of the passengers suffocated; one of the passengers escaped and landed on a dirty, foggy beach. It was so foggy that he couldn’t see a thing. From out of the fog came a monster with blue hands. The monster started running at the survivor who turned and fled only to stumble and fall into the sand. The man saw the monster getting closer and closer. All of the sudden those blue hands flew up in the air as the monster tripped in the sand, hitting his head on a rock and dying!
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