So far, we, the boys of Eagles 2, have done quite a bit. Athletics, drama, music, boating are just a few of the activities that have been keeping us very busy. This year, there are 17 Eagle 2’s in Crescent Lodge East. We have two campers from Puerto Rico, one from Mexico, one from France and others from all over the country. Added to the camper population are our two counselors, Chris and Steve. Together we play many games both in the cabin and outside; our favorite is tetherball. We’ve had a lot of fun so far, and we’re planning to have a lot more!
Hello from Rainbow Lodge and the Blue Jays, the newest and coolest cabin at camp (at least we think so!) We have 17 chipper campers. You’ve probably seen us playing follow-the-leader between activities – don’t worry, we really DO know where we’re going!! I you see a Blue Jay camper, counselors too, say “Howdy;” Blue Jays like friendly people.
Idgie here, reporting for the Falcon girls: 21 campers and our two counselors, Gara and Jenn. Most of us are from New York, but Debbie comes from South Africa and Clair just moved to England. Even though we are different, we all have interesting personalities and get along pretty much of the time. I for one like Nirvana, and Lily sometimes thinks she’s Mickey Mouse; Emily and Miriam are the two great Falcon water-skiers. Our cabin, Lakeview Lodge, is home to more than just the campers. We have a deer named Melvin in our living room and a hippo named Stork in room one and a rock named Ed who just lies around all day. We have a lot of fun with the camp activities, but our favorites are gymnastics, boating, and skiing.
During our first day of camp, we – AJ II B Boys – found memories of the previous year coming back to us. It started with the long ride up to camp. At times it seemed as if we could have walked faster, but soon we were able to talk to old friends and new Regis Applejack campers. When we finally arrived at camp, we poured out of the bus and breathed the refreshing mountain air and gazed up into the starlit sky. Frank, the camp chef, had dinner waiting for us, and while I can’t remember what it was now, I remember it tasting like the best meal I had ever had. With the help of flashlights, we located our bags and made our way to Forest Lodge, our summer home. We finally tumbled into bed and thought about all the great activities that awaited us.
Hi moms and dads of Cardinals I campers! The last few days have been hectic and fun with playing tetherball, taking swimming tests. This year we have 17 campers in Marcy Lodge as well as two counselors, Brad and Danny. We really like them and they are very responsible. They’re nice and funny, but STRICT because they know what is good for us.
The AJ II B girls have done many thrilling and exciting activities during the first hectic week of camp. From sports and water-skiing to blond hike through nature; we have done it all and conquered Camp Regis Applejack! But this is just the beginning since the fun starts out of camp with white-water rafting and trips to Montreal and Lake George. The group is blessed with the best campers and counselors who luckily get along (most of the time)! All of the campers have been able to adjust to life in the Adirondacks except for the intrusion of the flying bugs and those that also crawl. Hello to all the parents and siblings who are enjoying life without their DARLING daughters or sisters!!
With only 10 campers, Eagle I boys have one of the smaller cabin groups in camp, but don’t count us out when it comes to fun. Our first two days at camp were mainly filled with instructions to each activity area in camp. We started the regular program on Friday which included three activity periods, two free choices, and an all-Camp Regis game of Capture the Flag. Saturday, after an outdoor barbecue, we finished the day with the all-camp talent show. Eagle I boys stopped the show with a game of “What.” We are proud to say that we were the finest players of this game according to our drama instructors.
We’re the AJ II A boys and we’re looking forward to a great summer The cabin is full of an active, diverse bunch of boys. The campers, old and new, come from as far away as France, Lebanon, Switzerland, and Kuwait. The boys are extremely active, excelling at tennis and soccer. They manage to strike a reasonably small amount of terror into the hearts of dance and drama teachers, and they have kept their Kool-Aid highs, hormone outbursts, and complaining to a minimum. Membership in one of the oldest boys’ cabins has its privileges; we’re looking forward to trips to Montreal, Toronto, and to Lake George. Our group counselors are Phil Dalli, from Australia, and Brian Smith (which IS his real name), Phil’s co-counselor and interpreter. Phil and Brian have been reading up on the Spanish Inquisition, and under their firm hands and watchful eyes, which the campers have learned to love, the AJ II A boys may someday be counselors and men as cool as Brian and Phil.
Chatter draws to a close with the AJ I boys who reflect on these first few days of unpacking and meeting counselors and staff from different cabins and from different parts of the world. All 27 of the AJ I campers live in Colden Lodge along with six staff members. All are looking forward to a terrific summer.
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