“That which does not kill me makes me stronger.”
A dramatic start to the trips’ season began on Saturday, July 2, with the first pioneering outing to Mount Regis. The Falcon girls, led by Louise Economides and Chris Taff, were in high spirits as they trudged through mud and dodged obstacles on a three-hour ascent to the mountain top. Once there, a magnificent view, welcome breeze, and picnic awaited the group. As the girls slipped and slid their way back down, they were passed by two adorable Labrador puppies. Brown – whether it be the mud that caked their clothes or the lolloping puppies – was the color of the day.
Things went from the ridiculous to the sublime when a thunderstorm hit half-way back to the bus. But, the Falcons’ spirits stayed buoyant, despite the deluge. Trip leader Evie Roberts reported that the girls sang “Singing in the Rain” as the storm raged all around. Co-leader Chris Taff carried a very brave Molly on his shoulders back to the bus, aided by Louise. Everyone rendezvoused at 4:30 at the departure area, bringing to an end a very exciting first outing.
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