Campers are still having a great time at boating despite the recent cool spells we have experienced (i.e. cool from a Texan’s point of view). The change in weather has resulted in improved sailing conditions in the bay which means Ashley should have no trouble legging her craft out of areas that were once breezy at best. The increased volume and velocity of wind has also helped Phil prepare the sailing team for the regatta verses Long Lake. Fortunately the gusty days have not brought clouds with them so Phil should still be able to capture the title of the tannest man in Scotland upon his return.
Scott will also return to his home country with newly acquired attributes. His wax on, wax off technique on the red and white Duo has left a shine on the bow that is rivaled only by the reflection of the sun on the bay. And while on the subject of ski boats and their crew, all of the beginning skiers have enjoyed a great deal of success in learning how to ski this summer. The ski staff encourages y’all to sign up for water skiing for free choice so that you may improve on your new found ski skills and continue to fill in accomplishments on your group’s ski chart. Last but certainly not least, you should be warned that Noah sat in gum on the boat dock bench last week. Now you know why chewing gum is not allowed in camp.
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