Camp Regis and Applejack Teen Camp has always had respect, understanding, and a heart for children of all ages. Our teens have special programming possibilities, a leadership training program, and wonderful out-of-camp tours and informative, educational trips. Our middle-aged campers, 10-12-year-olds, take full advantage of the skill instruction, natural setting and confidence gained in the group living experience. Although most camps do not accept campers until they are 10 years old, we have always provided a special place for our youngest campers, 6-9-year-olds, and their unique needs.
Most of these youngest campers are in the “Blue Jays” group, and, for many of them, this is their first experience sleeping away from home. Because their family is not with them, we take extra time with these first-time campers to make sure they feel secure and loved at camp. We also provide space for them to have their “things” with them – favorite stuffed animals, pictures of family and pets, special cards, etc. We have found that these young campers make an excellent adjustment to camp life, often getting over homesickness far quicker than many first-time teenage campers.
This past summer, we dedicated one of our new cabins, Rainbow Lodge, for our youngest campers. It has its own indoor bathtubs and showers. These campers sometimes need more frequent personal clean-up time. Besides the bathroom, this cabin has two camper bedrooms, two staff bedrooms, a wonderful living room with a beautiful stone fireplace, and a screened-in porch with carpeting for special playtime.
Programming for the Blue Jays takes several things into account. One thing is to give them the opportunity to try everything – tennis, athletics, drama, dance, arts & crafts, gymnastics, nature, overnight camping, swimming, boating, and if they pass the deep water swim test, waterskiing. Their schedule is such that they are exposed to all the activities, but with more frequent rest periods in between. They also have opportunities, through free choice activities and club nights, to choose activities that they wish to explore further. With the younger campers, we always take into consideration that it may take them a little longer to get ready for activities. We encourage our specialty counselors to be patient with our Blue Jays, and they gear their activities to the interest needs, and attention span of this age group.
If you have a younger camper who you have not considered sending to a sleep-away camp yet, but would like to talk to us further about our special care for younger campers, please contact us and we will explain our program in more detail, including our rookie camp option. And we will also put you in contact with families who have had younger campers with us in the past.
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