By: Brian Long I met a dog named Rugg.Nobody likes to give him a hug.He has a nice bark,He’s met a lark,And has eaten a bug.
By: Brian Long I met a dog named Rugg.Nobody likes to give him a hug.He has a nice bark,He’s met a lark,And has eaten a bug.
By: Sam Cochran, Cardinals I Camp Regis is greatIt will be sad to leave it!But I can come back!
By: Adam Klein and the AJ II B Crew When summer comes aroundWe want to leave townTo go to campWhere with a stampWe can write homeWhere our relatives roamCamp is funOnly in the sunBut when it rainsAll of our hearts fill with painLike this yearAll of us tearBecause of the rain.Our cabin is badSo we are all sadBut our counselor rocksWhere are my socks?Poor Andy, cause all of hisSandyLaundry is...
By: Margaret Van Dusen, Cardinal Girls Q: What do you call two spiders that just got married?A: Newly Webs!Q: What is black and white with sixteen wheels?A: A zebra on roller-skates!Q: What has four legs and can’t walk?A: A table! Knock Knock!Who’s there?Amos.Amos who?Amos-quito just bit me!
By: AJ II A Boys Bryan loves the evening activities and opportunities for social interaction.Gautier find trees and Sunday morning meetings stimulating.Tarek wants the earth to be saved. (This is the English translation)Karim is a legendary basketball player who has lost two feet in height.Chris yearns to be an eighties disco dancer like Brian.Pat believes that his beige sweat suit is causing trouble.Ben prefers red jello over shaving cream as...
The Baseball GameBy: Falcon Boys The two hour car ride wasn’t that bad. In the streets of Montreal, Cris missed every red light, having to wait for Scott to catch up in the van. When we got to the game, the aroma of dogs and popcorn got everyone excited. The game was Expos vs. the Parades. It was a good game; the Expos won five to two. On the way...
News from the Blue Jays—Tooth Fairy Alert! The tooth fairy has become a regular visitor at Rainbow Lodge. We’ve had three baby teeth come out in the past week. Many other Blue Jay children have loose teeth, so we expect several visits from the Tooth Fairy over the next few weeks…maybe we should make her an honorary Regis camper!?! (By the way, fifty cents seems to be the going rate...
The end of our third week has been very productive with a lot of beginner water skiers getting up on the long rope. We also have four new sunfish captains which have been announced this week. We found the lost rudder off one of the sunfish, and redid all of the rowboat moorings. Boating is looking in tip top shape for parents visiting weekend.
Sixty female athletes from Camp Poc-O-MacCready for tennis, and softball recently. The long drive didn’t seem to affect the girl’s ability to compete. First, the Regis soccer team went to battle and was down 1-0 at then in the second half Diana Bradshaw stepped to the penalty line due to a handball inside the box. She successfully kicked the ball into the lower of hand comer to knot the game...
…and A.J. the camp puppy, welcome all campers. Our first Week began with the relocation of a snapping turtle that wandered onto our beach; we packed him off to college – that is Paul Smith’s College down the road from Camp Regis Applejack – where he can have a lake all to himself. Later in the week, campers were challenged to use their senses on a “blind” hike, which was...
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