By: Jay Franklin, Cardinals I The day before camp I was scared but I knew that I had to go, but I wanted to stay. Come tomorrow was the big day. I still had to go to sleep. The next day my mom woke me up. But I had a weird feeling in my stomach, the feeling of sorrow and suspense.
By; Sam Cochran, Cardinals I What an exciting place to beMaking things in arts and crafts.Pancakes for breakfast.Reading and writing lettersExciting new people and friendsGiving away our candy.Interesting counselorsStop the insanity, man.
With all the exciting building and remodeling projects commencing this Spring, Mike Humes will be spending a part of each week up at camp. Cris Gilliland will be “holding down the fort” at the White Plains office, visiting families to fill those last few spots in for the second half and the full season campers. Everyone – Mike, Pauline, and Cris – will be heading up to camp for good...
Since our March newsletter, registration has continued to the point of camp being full. A few campers are still needed to fill our second half, so if you have any friends who are looking for a quality summer camp experience, let us know.The following campers have been added to our community since the middle of March:Abdul-Aziz Al-Shareedah, Rashed Al-Shareedah, Maud Aubier, Joshua Barnard, Matthew Barnard, Jackie Bodine, Stefan Bondy, Lilah...
April 22: Earth Day — April 29: Arbor Day Usually this column is used to provide you with useful information about caring for our planet. In this issue, we would like to provide you with some thoughts about “Earth Care” from one whose ancestors lived closely with the land. Born in 1868, Chief Luther Standing Bear spent his early years on the pains of Nebraska and South Dakota. At the...
Camp has purchased a 12-passenger, white, Dodge van. With the addition of this vehicle to our existing fleet of 3 buses, 2 vans, and 2 station wagons, we will have a greater ability to take advantage of all the special programs offered around our Adirondack region during the summer. It will also provide us additional transportation to take campers to the trailheads and canoe drop-offs as we explore the mountains,...
Mike Humes and George Bredig are back from the American Camping Association (ACA) International Conference which took place early March in Toronto, Canada. Besides the new information, both Mike and George said that one of the greatest benefits was the interaction with thousands of camping professionals from all over the world. The highlight of the conference was a performance by Peter, Paul, and Mary (minus Mary who was ill). They...
Mike Humes and Chris Gilliland have just returned from a trip to camp. Everything looked beautiful under 5 feet of snow (with a little more expected). The only way to get around was by x-country skiing or on snow shoes – parking at the back gate and skiing everything into camp! This wasn’t, however, a “vacation” trip – it was a chance to survey the buildings and docks to see...
The American Camping Association (ACA) is the professional organization for camp administrators. It supports camps in many ways – from monthly publications to workshops and roundtable discussions. More important to you, the camp parent and campers, the ACA has set the high standards by which all camps should operate. Every three years, a camp is evaluated by a panel of camping professionals according to these standards. Last summer, Camp Regis...