James pictured with his gold medal which he won at the Olympics. If you can help James by lending him a kilt for the summer contact 662598.
By Caroline Boxer
AUCHTERARDER’S James Boyle is looking forward to this summer, as he, along with many other Scottish students, is heading off to work in a holiday camp in America.
James, who is a very keen athlete, is currently working towards an HNC in Sports Coaching and Youth Development at Elmwood College in Cupar.
“I really enjoy working with children,” James told the Herald, “and hope to make this my career once I have finished studying. When the opportunity arose to go to America I jumped at it.”
James will be working at Camp Regis Apple Jack in New York Upper State from June 15, and will be involved in coaching sports such as football, athletics, hockey and many water sports.
“The camp offers around 50 different sporting activities to children aged between six and 16.”
This will not intimidate James too much though as at present he coaches has juniors in both athletics and football, and has worked alongside Atholl Henderson at St Johnstone with the juniors there.
He also runs with Strathtay Harriers, and is a trained lifeguard, a skill he gets to use when he is working at the Gleneagles Country Club. One area which James will have to brush up on before he arrives in America is his Scottish Country dancing skills!
“We have been asked to bring over with us information about Scotland’s history and culture as well as a traditional Scottish outfit, so that the camp can hold an International day on Independence Day. “I have already started swotting up on the history, and have dug out a tape with Scottish Country dance music on it so I can teach some dancing, but unfortunately I do not have a kilt.
“I would really like to be able to take a kilt with me and would like to hear from anyone who could lend me one for the summer which I could wear to promote Scotland during the International day.”
If you have an old kilt, and would I like to lend it to James (he is a 32 waist), then contact him on 662598.
This will be the second year running that James has been able to promote his country as last year he won the competition of a lifetime, to go the Olympic Games in Australia.
His mum continues with the story: “The Daily Record held a competition last year looking for young athletes who had shown an ‘Olympic spirit’ to get where they are today. I immediately thought about James, who has worked very hard to overcome both dyslexia and co-ordination problems.
“My entry was hand picked by Sally Gunnell, and James joined the ten members of the British under 18s team to compete in the Team Millennium Olympic Challenge, sponsored by Coca Cola in Sydney. A chance of a lifetime.”
The British team went on to win the challenge, and James is now the proud owner of an ‘Olympic’ gold medal.
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