Robin Girls dancing, singing, running, swimming; they do it all with ease and they are sure to please. The Robin Girls have been working hard on a musical number from Annie that they will perform on parents visiting week-end. They are also excited to see their counselors perform the song “Robin Girls” (originally “Little Girls” from Annie) in the same show. This song is about how much the counselors love the Robin Girls!
Many of the Robin Girls are excellent water skiers and swimmers. One girl from the group, Dana, even became a Manta! (That is 36 laps in the lake). Every Sunday and Tuesday you can find the Robin Girls at clubs, either art, gymnastics, boom skiing, swimming, outdoor cooking, sailing, or soccer. Overall, the Robin Girls are loving Camp Regis and all it has to offer them. Their counselors, Kelly and Caroline have nothing but excellent things to say about this great group of girls!
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