Camp Regis Applejack April Newsletter
COVID-19 and Camp Regis Applejack
We are remaining on top of the news and situation regarding summer camps and the COVID-19 epidemic. At this time we are still operating with the assumption that we will be able to run camp this summer 2020. We will keep our CRAJ Family informed of any changes as they come, we have also set up a COVID-19 Update page on our website. This page will have our latest updates in regards to camp, it also has resources for families in quarantine as well as a FAQ of information from the CDC website.
We are always so proud of our CRAJ Family, our current, past, and future campers and staff, but it has been especially touching to be a part of our alumni initiated Zoom Sunday Morning Meetings. This safe, beautiful space is helping us all connect and voice our worries, our hopes, and our feelings to our CRAJ family all over the globe. We are all in this difficult time together and it is so wonderful to see so many people coming together to support each other in any way they can. And as an added bonus we are seeing people that we have maybe not seen since our camp days!
For everyone who tunes into this meeting, whether you talk or just listen, we want to thank you for keeping the spirit of our Sunday Morning Meetings alive and for giving your CRAJ Family a happy, safe space to connect during this time of crisis.
Our Early Birds rate is over but we always have our Alumni Discount!
Enroll Your Kids at Camp Regis Applejack
$1,000 off our 6 week overnight camp tuition (use promo code CRAJALUM6)
or $500 off our 3 weeks overnight tuition (use promo code CRAJALUM)
Don’t have kids? Did you know you can DONATE your Alumni Discount? Do you know someone who would love to send their kids to camp? Email us their information and we will donate your discount to them:
Interested in coming to camp with your family or friends?
We have two great rental cabins on Regis Lake just past the camp’s lean-tos that are for rent from June to August. Interested in taking the whole family or an extra-large group of friends? These two cabins can sleep up to 10 people! Access to the lake and complimentary boats are docked at the private lake area.
Contact Emily Yancey for more details:
(609) 651-7241
Bored in quarantine?
We are looking for more alumni stories for our #HumansofCRAJ social media posts and photos of summers past!
DM us via any of our social media pages [links located in the footer of this email] or email us at to share your stories and photos.
Looking for a Summer of Fun?
Come work at Camp Regis Applejack! We’ve got positions open from cabin counselors to kitchen staff. This is not just another summer camp job. In addition to your salary, board, and lodging you will be gaining interesting experiences, new contacts and lasting friendships in an ideal setting.
Send us an email to learn more about our staff opportunities:
Or Apply Right Now!
CRAJ Scholarship Fund
We are excited to announce the arrival of the CRAJ Scholarship Program. For 75 years we at Camp Regis Applejack have strived to bring in children from all backgrounds to experience camping. We are a firm believer in having no child left behind, and now we have a more sustainable way to ensure that. We are working with the American Camping Association to create this Scholarship Program to make sure that we can continue to provide CRAJ to all future generations, no matter their background.
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