The AJ II A girls of the second half are presently enjoying the many things camp has to offer. They are currently participating in such activities as: waterskiing, swimming, and tennis. Not only are the activities in camp enjoyable, but the out of camp trips are quite lovely. We have gone to the movies and roller-skating. Both were equally lovely. Camp Regis Applejack is not only a great place to have fun, it’s also a super place to meet new people. There are many new people in our bunk this session. Many come from foreign countries, such as: Italy, France, and Guadalupe. The diversity in our bunk has helped us understand other cultures. We look forward to the rest of the summer and for the many years to come at Camp Regis Applejack.
The AJ I boys of Colden Lodge were split up into the two AJ II cabins and all the AJ II were moved to Colden Lodge. Greg Cain and Australian Phil Dalli took charge of 18 AJ I boys in Pinetree Lodge while Jeff Moulton and I were given a group of 11 in the smaller Forest Lodge. This was a breath of fresh air for Greg Cain and I because although we were unhappy about being split up, we had been previously responsible for 26 AJ I boys. The new campers seemed to settle in quickly and they all successfully completed an overnight camping trip. The new cabin setup appears to be operating smoothly, and both campers and counselors are looking forward to an enjoyable second half.
At the end of the first week of the second half the Eagle I boys had a chess tournament. Lee Eskin was the favorite, and he didn’t disappoint. Lee won a down to the wire match against Michael Smeets. In another first round match, Jake McDougle. another favorite, ousted Derrik Koes, our counselor. In another game, Josh Barnard easily beat Corey Mintz. In the last first round match, Lionel Odim beat Charlie Yates. The second round started with Jake McDougle beating Lionel Odimbossoukou in a 4 move check-mate sequence. The other game was between Lee Eskin and Josh Barnard, Lee wound up winning, and set up a final that included two of the pre-tournament favorites. Before the final, Josh became the third place winner after beating Lionel. In the early goings of the final, Jake resigned after being dominated by Lee, who won the chess tournament.
Hi from the Eagles Nest! The Camp Regis Applejack Olympics were fun. The four teams were the Nana-Ashi Octopi (Nana-Ashi meaning seven legged in Japanese), the Elementals, the Aquatic Angels of Atlantis, and the Magic Mirrors. We did tug-of-war, kickball, volleyball, swimming, boating, the Apache Relay, posters, team flags, and songs. In the end, the Elementals were in 4th, the Aquatic Angels were in 3th, the Magical Mirrors got 2nd, and the Octopi got 1st place. Everyone had fun.
Just recently, we did Gold Rush. Gold Rush is an activity in which we go around camp looking for yellow spray-painted rocks (gold). Then you cash in the gold for tickets, and but juice and cookies with them, while avoiding being robbed by the bandits, who can be put in jail by the sheriff and his deputies. It was a lot of fun. We all had a great time.
Today we had inspection. We got our highest yet, and the second highest with 105 points. But better yet our cabin score improved by 20 points. Next week we hope for a perfect score. So long from the Eagles Nest!!
This week was very exciting for the AJ I girls. We have 9 new campers who have joined us. They have already made new friends, and been warned about camp life. Some of the new campers went on a hiking trip to Rocky Falls. Everyone had a great time, even though it rained for most of the trip! We also have a new counselor (but an old face!) Jo Bromberg. Welcome Jo! As always, life is an adventure in our cabin exploding toilets, Kool-Aid overdoses, Salt-n-Pepa/Steve Miller blaring, and late night giggling! The excitement never stops!
The AJ II B girls have decreased in numbers from 21 to 18. Since our numbers have changed, we’ve gotten 10 new girls. All of the girls have added to the excitement in the cabin. Our week started in chaos in a trip to the movies (either Forrest Gump, or The Mask) and dinner at McDonald’s, and ended in roller-skating and a chicken pox outbreak. Once Ame firmly implanted in the infirmary, we all breathed our first breath of relaxation. We also had a celebration of a 1411 birthday! Happy Birthday Nina!
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