At this point in time we at Camp Regis Applejack are operating under the assumption that we will be able to operate our summer camp this upcoming summer 2020. We are preparing extra health and safety procedures to make sure that our campers, staff, and camp families are kept safe in this uncertain health crisis.
As of this date we will be asking Day Camper families to be vigilant to the health of their child and not send their child to camp should they have any of the symptoms that the CDC has flagged. “Reported symptoms in children include cold-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, and cough. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported.” [CDC]
We will be preforming health checks on our campers upon their arrival at camp including a general check-up and checking of temperatures. We ask that all parents perform a modified health check on their camper before they are sent to camp.
We are preparing cabins to be used as isolation wards in the unlikely chance that we do have cases of COVID-19 on the property. We are also looking to over hire individuals who are medically trained to assist our Nurse for the summer.
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic and Camp Regis Applejack please get in contact with our Director, Will Bettmann at (919) 357-5533 , or Associate Director, Emily Yancey at (609) 651-7241.
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