Camp Regis Applejack started off in 1946 as Camp Regis, which was primarily a children’s summer camp. But those same children who came yearly were left upset when they could not continue to come to such an amazing camp as teenagers because they had aged out of the program. So in 1956 the owners, Pauline and Earl Humes, decided to create Applejack Teen Camp specifically for their teenage campers.
You can read about Applejack Farm here.
Following with tradition, the Humes’ did not name their Teen Camp until they had purchased the property on which it would run, Applejack Farm, thus making their new camp: Applejack Teen Camp.
You can read more about how Camp Regis Applejack got its name HERE.
Camp Regis and Applejack Teen Camp shortly became too much to handle on separate properties, so the Humes’ decided to consolidate the two camps onto their original property on Upper St. Regis Lake thus creating Camp Regis Applejack.
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