A few years ago some of my college buddies and I went on a 4-day overnight canoe trip in the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota. We flew in from all around the country, met at the family house of one friend, got outfitted and food supplied, and then set out the next day from the town of Ely. I was unofficially appointed the navigator/map-reader, maybe due to the fact that...
I recently traveled to Albuquerque to attend the Wilderness Risk Management Conference, which was excellent and gave me multiple opportunities to reflect on the importance of outdoor recreation and on what we do at Camp Regis Applejack (CRAJ) to keep campers safe. There are multiple layers to unpack here, but I will start with the topic of risk itself. The president of the American Camp Association shared an article with...
This article was written by Kathleen McGinn Spring on March 3rd, 2004 for U.S.1 Publicationshttps://princetoninfo.com/sixty-years-of-summer-camp/ Pauline Humes will be returning for her 60th year at camp in June. She and her husband, the late Earl Humes, founded Camp Regis in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State shortly after World War II. Sitting in the living room of her home in Meadow Lakes, overlooking a frozen pond backed by woods...
The American Camping Association (ACA) is the professional organization for camp administrators. It supports camps in many ways – from monthly publications to workshops and roundtable discussions. More important to you, the camp parent and campers, the ACA has set the high standards by which all camps should operate. Every three years, a camp is evaluated by a panel of camping professionals according to these standards. Last summer, Camp Regis...
After a fine start last year the Camp Regis gymnastics program was underway in full bloom this year. We were equipped with a brand new balance beam, 2 new mats and a hard working set of gymnasts. For the first 4 weeks gymnastics was open to everyone during clubs and rainy day activities. After 4 weeks 16 girls were chosen for the gymnastics display shown during the last week in...
By Jeff Smith, Stephen Lanino, Tom Lazansky, Paul Smith, Chucky Johnson, Paul Rosenfield, Gregg Baum, Peter Kessler, and Mark Grunblatt On Monday, Aug. 8, 11, Group II boys and 3 counselors, Mark G., Mark B., and Emily left on an overnight trip to the Blue Dot Trail, which loops through the countryside around the Paul Smith’s Reservoir. We hiked to the first lean-to, “Loon’s Lair” and set up camp. That...