Mike Humes and Chris Gilliland have just returned from a trip to camp. Everything looked beautiful under 5 feet of snow (with a little more expected). The only way to get around was by x-country skiing or on snow shoes – parking at the back gate and skiing everything into camp! This wasn’t, however, a “vacation” trip – it was a chance to survey the buildings and docks to see...
The American Camping Association (ACA) is the professional organization for camp administrators. It supports camps in many ways – from monthly publications to workshops and roundtable discussions. More important to you, the camp parent and campers, the ACA has set the high standards by which all camps should operate. Every three years, a camp is evaluated by a panel of camping professionals according to these standards. Last summer, Camp Regis...
At a commemoration held on Friday, July 16th, Camp Director Michael Humes dedicated the new pavilion to his father, Earl B. Humes, who founded Camp Regis with his wife Pauline in 1946. The dedication to Earl Humes – who died in 1982 – was a surprise from Michael to his mother. Several people in addition to Michael and Pauline shared memories of Earl Humes with staff, campers, and some parents...
Bill Rienecker is the head of the boating department with Ronnie and Cliff assistingHe was born in Flushing, N.Y. and has been to too many colleges to mention but has the equivalent of a Doctorate Degree. He teaches Physical Education with Bill Vesely during the winter.He and his wife, Marilyn, met while teaching and have been married for thirteen years. They have three children, Jenny 12, Lori 10, and Rosemary...
Around July 11th the Apprentice Program got under way. Campers who have been in Applejack before or who are over 15 years old are assigned in assisting group counselors and specialists. Coordinator of this program, with his many other talents is George Bredig. Some of the special programs they will be involved in as apprentices are working in the kitchen, infirmary, and office. The AJ’s seem to be really motivated...