Chris D.: The thing I liked most about the Olympics was being able to see everyone, including myself, working toward a common goal, and to have a good time while doing it. The real spirit of the Olympics was not that of winning but of striving and working together as a group for a common goal. Tim (Rat) Radomisli: The songs and cheers. Rat was from Chiquita. Mike Franzini: The...
Every morning all of us wake up to “Get Up Lazy” and that’s how our morning starts….. Lots of interesting things happen during the day. Things such as a water fight which was caused when Nancy (of Group III) threw Denise’s baseball bat into the water and Denise in turn poured a glass of water over Nancy’s head which started “THE GREAT WATER FIGHT” between the Group IV and III...
By Steve Darby Our trip started on Monday, the 8th of August at 10:00 a.m. We had had trouble with Glenn’s Ranchero, but we fixed the tire or should I say the spare and a front tire. Once we just gotten ready to leave everybody realized that Andy Wagner was missing. No big surprise, but what can you expect. We finally got everyone and started. It was sort of weird...
By Katie Weisman Sunday morning meeting is a time once a week for thought and discussion. It is a time for quiet. Its purpose is for the campers and counselors to share their feelings openly without being embarrassed or ashamed. Some of the topics we chose this year were guilt, giving and receiving, goals setting and reaching, and leaving places. I think that out of all these topics, guilt was...
By Jeff Smith, Stephen Lanino, Tom Lazansky, Paul Smith, Chucky Johnson, Paul Rosenfield, Gregg Baum, Peter Kessler, and Mark Grunblatt On Monday, Aug. 8, 11, Group II boys and 3 counselors, Mark G., Mark B., and Emily left on an overnight trip to the Blue Dot Trail, which loops through the countryside around the Paul Smith’s Reservoir. We hiked to the first lean-to, “Loon’s Lair” and set up camp. That...
The first stop of the Roving Reporter this Sunday night is the ski dock where the beginnings of a ski show are taking place. AJ’s Steve D. vows that he’11 do a flying dock start this year. Ricky twisted into a pretzel is attempting to do a backwards start on the rudderless tricksters. This year should yield an exciting ski show no matter who takes a flying leap from the...
Brian’s Song, for most people at least, was a very touching story about a man named Brian Piccolo, who for his whole life was number two. Throughout college he had very much been into competition. Later in life while playing on the Chicago Bears he met a man, Gale Sayers, who had been number one, so the competition started all over again. During the training and tryouts, Brian and Gale...
There were 3 buses. Two from N.Y. and one from Westchester. Some of the kids from Westchester had to get on the bus from New York because there wasn’t enough room. : The bus ride was about seven hours long, with one half hour stop in the middle. Most people talked, joked around, read comic books, and reminisced, After a while, the trip got boring and we were dying to...