Camp Regis Applejack August Newsletter Summer 2020 Summary This summer was a strange one for us all. COVID-19 locked us into our houses and destroyed any plans we had for this summer. Camp, unfortunately, made the call to cancel our 2020 season for the safety of our campers, camp families, and staff. A week later, the state of New York determined it unsafe for residential camps to run this summer....
Camp Regis Applejack April Newsletter COVID-19 and Camp Regis Applejack We are remaining on top of the news and situation regarding summer camps and the COVID-19 epidemic. At this time we are still operating with the assumption that we will be able to run camp this summer 2020. We will keep our CRAJ Family informed of any changes as they come, we have also set up a COVID-19 Update page...
Associate Director, Emily Yancey, contributed to Camp Business Magazines Top Programming Ideas article that was published on January 20th, 2020. You can read the whole article on Camp Business’ website or read Miss. Yancey’s contribution below. Sunday Morning Meetings“It may not be the activity that a camper would point out and say this is why I want to return to Camp Regis Applejack, but I believe that the feeling this...
By Katie Weisman Sunday morning meeting is a time once a week for thought and discussion. It is a time for quiet. Its purpose is for the campers and counselors to share their feelings openly without being embarrassed or ashamed. Some of the topics we chose this year were guilt, giving and receiving, goals setting and reaching, and leaving places. I think that out of all these topics, guilt was...