Associate Director, Emily Yancey, contributed to Camp Business Magazines Top Programming Ideas article that was published on January 20th, 2020. You can read the whole article on Camp Business’ website or read Miss. Yancey’s contribution below. Sunday Morning Meetings“It may not be the activity that a camper would point out and say this is why I want to return to Camp Regis Applejack, but I believe that the feeling this...
My first job as a summer camp director was for Wellspring New York weight loss camp. We were located on the Paul Smiths College campus so I was just a couple miles down the road from Camp Regis Applejack. I actually started as the ropes course and trips director, and then when the director left after my first summer, a friend and I took over as co-directors. The CEO/founder of...
A few years ago some of my college buddies and I went on a 4-day overnight canoe trip in the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota. We flew in from all around the country, met at the family house of one friend, got outfitted and food supplied, and then set out the next day from the town of Ely. I was unofficially appointed the navigator/map-reader, maybe due to the fact that...
This November 2020 we have an exciting announcement that the third generation of Camp Regis Applejack leadership has joined the administrative team. Michael Humes’ daughter, Emily Yancey, is coming on board as the Associate Camp Director. She comes from an art and education background but is excited to get back to her roots at Camp. We at CRAJ wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
Watching my phone fall from my pocket and sink into the Alpine Lake deep in the Adirondack Mountains – bounce, bounce, plunk – seemed like a perfect way to end camp this year. Why is that? First, one of the main things I love about summer camp, and something I spend a lot of time thinking about is disconnection from devices. This is one of the ways the world –...
I love chopping wood. I had a wood-burning stove installed in my fireplace a few years ago and it is really efficient at heating the house in the winter, but the delightful, cozy, “Hygge” feeling of a wood fire in the winter is only a small part of what I like about chopping wood. The whole process is satisfying across all the senses. As you can see from the pictures...
The Happy Start The plan was to hike a long stretch of the Fremont River in Southern Utah from where it intersected with Rte. 12, until the next access point, which was the visitor center at Capitol Reef National Park. This was in the pre-GPS era. We had a simple topo map and a compass and estimated the hike at 12-14 miles. It was mid March and there was still...
As a parent, educator and camp leader, one of the topics I find most compelling is the importance of outdoor play to a child’s development and the strong negative impact that smart phones and technology have had in that area. Of course, technology plays an important role in our lives in 2019, but there are some flashing warning signs we would do well to pay attention to as parents and...
The Athletics staff is looking forward to an active summer in a variety of acres, from soccer, softball, basketball, and volleyball to cricket, archery, and lacrosse. Heading the staff are two experienced teachers, Michelle Minnis and six-year staffer Don Lasko. Joining them are Bill Steinhauser, a soccer specialist from Oregon/Washington, and Don DeSaw, a New Jersey teacher with an interest in numerous sports. As a special addition, Ichi Suzuki, a...
Welcome campers, to Camp Regis Applejack’s Arts & Crafts corner. We have a lot of creative fun planned for the summer and can’t wait for all of you to get started. A few groups have already completed coil/pinch pots and have moved on to papier-mâché masks. Campers, however, are not the only ones learning crafts; quite a few Regis ladies have taught us counselors how to macramé bracelets. We invite...